
Urban - in, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city.

Symbiosis - a mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups


Who we are:

  • “To become an Urban Farm incubator and Fresh Food provider to help grow and establish Urban Farm Businesses and gardens to stimulate economic growth and achieve food security for our immediate community.”

  • Who we are and why we exist is all in our name. Urban Symbiosis took roots in Aurora, Colorado with a purpose to build long-standing symbiotic relationships between locally owned and community-driven businesses. To bring our vision to life, we pursued one of our biggest needs and passions - healthy food. By growing and sharing our own food throughout local communities, we have witnessed tangible results that people benefit from – both in and out of our gardens. We aim to dedicate our efforts and our resources back to our communities and provide further nourishment for all people.


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